Randomly, a guide to Singlish (that’s Singaporean English to you).
Monthly Archives: February 2003
Beach Beasts: Theo Jansen “makes
Beach Beasts: Theo Jansen “makes skeletons which are able to walk on the wind. Eventualy he wants to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives.”
Soulwax, “Much Against Everyone’s Advice” arrived today. Woo!
Guardian: “Australia’s opposition Labor leader
“Australia’s opposition Labor leader has failed to capitalise on public opposition to the government’s hawkish stance on Iraq, writes David Fickling
Simon Crean is Australia’s answer to Iain Duncan Smith.”
Surely that’s a bit harsh!
I was in and out
I was in and out of town yesterday. Coming home last night, one of those Italian boys that hang around night bus stops was on the bus, desperately trying to chat up some girl. I never know what they’re after – somewhere to stay the night? A foreign girlfriend? Cheap sex or a con? Anyway, he got his just desserts when he tried to chat up some other girls when the first one left – they tried to speak Spanish to him, then talked over him with stories about what their friends had gotten up to that night. I almost laughed aloud as his bored miserable face.
I was also on a bus as the anti-war marchers were coming home yesterday. Fucking middle-class marchers having fits because the bus conductor is full and Oscar and Charley have to catch another bus. Apparently concern for the down-trodden doesn’t start with the working classes.
Sign of the times, courtesy
Sign of the times, courtesy of Mez. February 13, 2003.
Yay Melbourne! Anti-war rally and
Yay Melbourne! Anti-war rally and gallery.
The police say over 100,000 people, the organisers say over 200,000. I’d say the orgnisers were right.
From news.com.au: “”The Prime Minister can’t ignore this,” Senator Stott Despoja said.
“How dare he disregard the public will.
“We Australians are unequivocally opposed to war under any sanction, UN or not,” she said.
One of the biggest cheers came for Senator Brown, who urged the crowd to fight what he called Mr Howard’s “imposing holocaust”.
“The Prime Minister has never been given a mandate by the people of Australia to go to war,” Senator Brown said.
“This is President Bush’s war, this is Prime Minister Blair’s war, this is John Howard’s war, but this is not Australia’s war.””
Age: London, Washington brace for
Age: London, Washington brace for attacks
“Fear and confusion gripped Britain yesterday as the nation’s biggest security operation entered its third day and a senior Government minister compared the threat to the September 11 terror attacks, only to later withdraw the comment.”
But we should be grateful for small mercies: BBC says, “[Kelly] Osbourne drops UK visit over terror fears”
Responses to the “Rename ‘The
Responses to the “Rename ‘The Two Towers’ to Something Less Offensive Petition”. I don’t care if the petition or the responses were a troll, they’re funny.
“yes i agree…being an Elvis fan i would be very hurt and dismayed if they were to make a film and call it Return of the King”
” yes…Two Towers is a bad name… i have twins and will not let them stand side by side out of respect”
” they should rename it…we had two tower blocks built near us, the whole neighbourhood was horrified… and we all signed a petition and the council had to demolish it out of respect”
” I totally agree…naming it Two Towers is totally lacking in respect…i think they should stop all twins going into Tower Record stores also.. i will sign your petition”
Whoever this Tolkein guy is, he’s an insensitive ashole if he’s making a movie with a title like that. I’ll bet he’s not even American!! What gives him the right!!!! –Sean Curtin
its called “tact” –Lynda Blair Vernalia
I heard about this petition from someone in my weekly prayer groups. I whole-heartedly support you in your worthy cause. –Stacy Badum
I can’t believe the insensitivity of some people in this petition. The least New Line can do is postpone the movie for a while so that the country had time to grieve. Have they no shame!? –Amanda Swanson
I hope someone will punish Tolkien for this tasteless act. 🙁 –Thomas Veil
Tolkien should be exumed, and buried again –sympathetic uk
I will personally not see another New Line or Tolkien film if this tragedy is allowed to continue. –W. Desmith
Invisible suit? “It looks as
Invisible suit? “It looks as if three men walking behind are seen through the body of student Kazutoshi Obana during a demonstration of optical camouflage technology at Tokyo University yesterday.”
In other news, Australia wins the Friendly against England 3-1. Ha!
The revolution will be web-cam-ised. We’re watching the parliamentary debate via webcam.
Age: “Federal Opposition Leader Simon
Age: “Federal Opposition Leader Simon Crean moved to censure Prime Minister John Howard and Acting Prime Minister John Anderson for breach of trust of the Australian people over the Iraq issue.”
“Asked directly if he considered Australia part of the coalition of the willing Mr Bush said: “Yes I do””