And in the gossip section, I managed to leave the house yesterday for brunch with Guy and not get home until after midnight. Brunch at Balans turned into cocktails at the Duke of Wellington with Grant and Foo, then onto Trash Palace, the Friendly Society, the best Thai salad I’ve ever had in London and ok noodles at Sri Thai with Tom, Saul and Andrew, then more drinks at Shaun and Joe’s with yet more people.

Paris is as beautiful as ever. Parisiene keyboards suck though. I’ve had a lovely time going for long walks and delicious meals. Tomorrow I want to walk around Montmartre because it’s about the only place I haven’t been before.

“Women are behind a much larger number of inventions than they are generally given credit for, a researcher has found.”

“They include the windscreen wiper, the dishwasher, filter coffee, and the technology behind the bullet-proof vest.”
And good old Ada gets a mention:
“Ada Lovelace, daughter of poet Lord Byron, invented the Analytical Engine, one of the earliest computers, in 1842, for example.” (BBC)