Donald Rumsfeld is giving the President his daily briefing. He
concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.”
“OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!”
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching
as the President sits, head in hands.
Finally, the President looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?”
Monthly Archives: September 2005
I’m off to Bilbao/San Sebastian, back Monday. Have a wonderful weekend, and if you’re going to the hot tub party, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
I’ve tried to resist, but I just can’t help blogging the giant squid. And thanks to Foo, I’ve discovered you can get ‘vampire squid’.
Where would we bee without the internet?
I got spam with the subject line, “Proclivity to servitude” this morning. I think I should write back, “Proclivity to panic” as I had a moment of panic having too many deadlines and too many responsibilities for too many different projects at work.
Thank god October is comparatively quiet – I don’t even have any trips booked away, though I do have some leave for a wedding.
“A machine that can make anything sounds like the stuff of the distant future, but a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) program is making personal fabrication a reality.
Around the world, MIT is helping to build Fabrication, or “Fab” Labs, and they are reaping results.” (BBC)
“A West Yorkshire hospital has banned visitors from cooing at new-born babies over fears their human rights are being breached and to reduce infection.” (BBC)
Words, lovely words. Someone has produced a book of words from other languages that English doesn’t have words for.
Killer dolphins?
Wales was lovely. We went for lots of walks, and climbed (well, walked up) a mountain. The views from Cader Idris were amazing.
We were really lucky with the weather, just enough cloud for beautiful sunsets but it was still generally warm and sunny. Tuesday was quite hot so we spent most of it lounging and reading in the garden.
We ate like (vegetarian) kings all week and tried every drinkable wine in the local supermarket and bottle shop.
I didn’t see a newspaper, a television or a computer all week but I did read loads of books.
How moral are you?