I’m leaving for the Big Chill today. I spent my first night in the new place last night, and was up late packing, so I’m pretty tired right now. It feels like I’ve hardly been in the office lately so I’m going to be really busy when I get back.
My new housemates and I had a drink together on the roof last night. The air was mild and London was all ours – I could see Canary Wharf, the Gherkin, the BT tower and the spire of the Stoke Newington church. Lovely.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten something vital but hopefully the weather will hold.
Now that I’m officially switched from the 38 to the 73 bus I should sign this petition to save the 73
Mez, have fun in Melbourne, and have fun at Montreal Pride, Sandrine!
Have fun at the Big Chill! Am very jealous!
its freezing cold but this place never ceases to amaze me…so incredibly cool…so many good looking people…such great food/wine etc etc. its like the whole city is an art opening with the best minimal techno on technics decks! hard to explain but quite obvious when you come back for only a few days.
Thanks for your text Mia, Montreal pride was loads of fun and lasted a week. A lot of good DJ’s and band performed.
Guess who went too? Samantha Fox!!! And the worse is that the crowd went mad and followed her to get her autograph. The funny thing is that when celebrity loose their glory elsewhere in the world, they’re always superstar in Montreal, Capital of the Kitsch!!
How was the Big Chill? XXX