I’ve just realised it’s exactly a year since I was made redundant from [wanky new media consultancy]. It was horrible at the time and I wasn’t sure if I’d have to leave the UK but it’s now I’m in a job I love and I’m unbelievably happier.

The holiday is over, baby. Rome was great, four days wasn’t enough time to see everything but at least I can always go back.
Modern Romans really do say ‘mamma mia’ a lot, and I was glad to see tourism can’t destroy some traditions – I was told off for ordering a coffee before dinner, and another waiter said, ‘of course the coffee is for after dessert, yes?’.
Comments are back, btw.

Amber and I amused ourselves last night by reading phrases from the Italian
phrasebook in dirty voices.
Devo fare un’estrazione (I’ll have to take it out)
Questo le potra fare un po’male (This may hurt a little)
Devo pagare? (Do I have to pay?)
Che cosa vuoi fare quando sarai grande? (What do you want to be when you
grow up?)
(Mostly from the ‘going to the dentist’ section, but it was funny after a bottle of wine.)

Not April Fool’s, apparently, though maybe it’s all the same in New Zealand.
“An Inland Revenue Department manager dresses in a fairy costume, complete with wings and a tiara, and makes her staff put pictures of monkeys on their desks.” (stuff.co.nz)