Right, it’s time that London had a guerrilla queer/gay bar. No gay tax [1], no more obligatory crap music, no more clones. Let’s colonise other parts of London. Real life isn’t segregated, so why should our bars be?
Venue to be decided, suggestions welcome. In the meantime, learn more or join the yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/London_Guerrilla_Queer_Bar/ so you can get an email about the venue closer to first one on March 5. The Yahoo group has only just been started, so feel free to send an invite to join to friends who might be interested.
Spread the word. The event doesn’t belong to anyone, you don’t have to know us; just turn up, chat up cute strangers, be nice to the bar staff and tip as generously as you can.
[1] You know, where a round costs a million times more than the straight bar next door.

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