Cliches for fun and profit”examine the oil industry, globalistion, genetic engineering, food, toxic chemicals, privatisation and many other areas, to build up a picture of almost every type of corporate crime and the nature and mechanisms of corporate power, both economic and political.”
“Immigration is no longer the hot issue it was in the 1980s but the population debate is never far below the surface. So when one of Australia’s most influential economists decides to deliver a lecture with the deliberately provocative title of Forty Million Aussies? The Immigration Debate Revisited, we should sit up and take notice.” Australian
“wristwatch phone that uses its owner’s finger as an earpiece” (BBC)
“Pauline Hanson and One Nation co-founder David Ettridge will be released from jail after Queensland’s Court of Appeal today overturned their convictions for electoral fraud.” (Age) Thanks Mez!