I’m quite glad I’m not in Australia right now. Knowing that Bush was in the country would just make me mad.
As opposed to what I am now, I guess. I apologise in advance for the immaturity displayed in this entry.
Take leading role, fuckstick Bush urges.
“President Bush’s address was interrupted twice when Greens senators Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle heckled him” Go Bob! His ability to heckle while Crean is kowtowing is yet another advantage of the multi-party political system.
“He said Australia’s agenda with China was “the same as my country’s” – to strive to ensure the Korean peninsula was free of nuclear weapons.” Or make as much money as they can from it while ignoring any human rights or territorial violations.
Mmmm, lovers.
You know what those knee pads are really for, don’t you?
He’ll be wanking over this for years to come. It’s even better than those wet dreams about the Queen…