I can’t decide on a phone. Maybe I want the Nokia 7650 instead of the 7250i. It’s bigger than the 7250i but not as big as the 3650 but it’s got a bigger screen. They’ve both got Java, but the 7650 has Bluetooth while the 7250i has an XHTML browser and a better camera. One runs Symbian OS, the other Nokia OS. I’ll probably decide on price, in the end.

3 thoughts on “

  1. Sandrine says:

    I would go for the 7650. It looks like a fun toy.
    7250i just look like another phone…

  2. mia says:

    I posted all that about the technical specs of the phones and you try and make me decide on looks!
    Availability did it for me in the end, I’ve gone for the 7250i because I can get it now with my existing network.

  3. Sandrine says:

    euh…OK, I’m very shallow so the looks does it for me!;-)
    So do you like your new phone?

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