“Copies of more than 900 works of art at the National Gallery are being made available at the flick of a switch as new technology is unveiled.”
“The “print on demand” technology will allow visitors to browse through and print in reproduction quality A3, A4 and A5 size prints.” (BBC)
“A mystery Roman capsule unearthed at an archaeological dig in the heart of London is to be opened on Monday.”
“The 2,000-year-old sealed tin canister was discovered by a team of archaeologists who have been excavating the site in Southwark, just south of the Thames, for the past year.”
” The site is believed to be the remains of a Roman temple complex dating from around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.
As well as the bronze foot, an ancient plaque bearing the oldest known naming of London was recently unveiled.
Experts said the plaque appeared to refer to a champagne importer and newspapers said it could be viewed as London’s earliest known advert.
The capsule will go on immediate display at the Museum of London, along with all the other finds.” (BBC)