Age: Labor and US clash over Iraq
“As Mr Howard prepared to leave for talks with President George W Bush, the US warned that the personal nature of some anti-American Labor rhetoric on Iraq was not helping the US-Australia alliance. [Diddums!]
Opposition Leader Simon Crean replied that US Ambassador to Australia Tom Schieffer was naive if he thought the debate on Iraq would not become passionate.
Labor opposes war with Iraq which is not sanctioned by the United Nations, and some ALP members, notably frontbencher Mark Latham, attacked President Bush during this week’s parliamentary debate. [You can always count on Latham to speak his mind.]
Mr Latham said he was flaky and the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory.”
“Mr Howard said that, far from simply doing what Washington wanted, he had real influence.” [Is he fooling himself, or trying to fool us?]
“However, the US was a very powerful country and, in the end, would take its own counsel, Mr Howard said.” [No shit, Sherlock.]