8 thoughts on “Try http://www.typingtest.com/ if you’ve ever

  1. Luis Colon says:

    Attach Please find my typing Test scores
    Luis Colon

  2. Jordan says:

    I like typing

  3. Cody Kissinger says:

    This website is ok.

  4. ann says:

    hi i would like 2 take the test please.

  5. Jasmine says:

    this typing test is so stupid i didnt help me at all and i had a typing test today!! and you know wut nothing helped me!!! so no it isent a good site!

  6. Annette Stalling says:

    You web site is very helpful and useful to those who enjoy it. My typing skill has increase tremendously. Thank you

  7. Annette Stalling says:

    You web site is very helpful and useful to those who enjoy it. My typing skill has increase tremendously. Thank you

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