I went down the Carnaval in Eindhoven on Sunday. What an ace day! There are pre-Lent Carnivals all over the southern Netherlands and Belgium (and Rio of course!).
Everyone but me was in costume. Every pub I passed was blasting Dutch music, but they all looked pretty family-friendly. Some photos – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – but they don’t really give you a sense of how crazy cool it was.
WildDays’ Rhythmaholics Anonymous at the Catacombs was cool too, ace venue, nice crowd and the music was good, though a bit too laid-back at times.
One page on this site comes up at number 6 if you search for ‘clit’ on google. If only I could sell that placement, I’d make a fortune.
Gayatri Spivak, celebrity scholar [NY Times link, free sub required].
An English/Dutch/English translation site I haven’t seen before.