The NY Times online nominated

The NY Times online nominated this inane grunt as their quote of the day:
“Our wars have won for us every hour we live in freedom.”
-PRESIDENT BUSH, at a cemetery above Omaha Beach.
but I’m not sure if they’re doing it because it highlights the lowlights of Dubya’s understanding of international politics and history or because they believe it. Presumably it’s the first.

The world logs on to

The world logs on to Gutnick’s Internet case: “Melbourne businessman and erstwhile football club identity Joseph Gutnick argues that Internet material is published in whichever country or state it is read. […] For the operators of many websites, the stakes appear enormous. Many sites are read every day in almost every country of the world, and they say they will face a legal nightmare if everything that appears on their site has to run the gamut of 190 different interpretations of defamation law.”

It’s been nearly a week

It’s been nearly a week since I’ve been online. Hard to imagine how I cope. Seeing the new Star Wars (an oddly likeable load of crap) helped. And who knew Boba Fett had a New Zealand accent – is he going to say, “You kulled meh ded!” [translation “You killed my dad!”] in the next one?
Hanson, Ettridge to stand trial: “The party co-founders are accused of deliberately misleading Ms Hanson’s supporters into believing they were members of a political party when they had merely joined a support movement.”