Subject: alien.html

From: Angel ([email protected])

Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2002

comment: this site is retarted it is soosoo stupid . i do noy beleive it onw bit is not beleiveable . the only way i would beleive it is if someone could prove it to me without the internet . I dont beleive things i read on the internet espeically things like this.

Apparently you don’t believe in spelling either. Retarted!

From: [email protected]

Date: Monday, February 18, 2002 at 19:15:53

how_found: Looking for pathetic loser sites like yours…

subject: shania_alien

name: Marisa

comment: Okay- I’m a BIG fan of Celine’s… and I was wondering how stupid and immature some Celine Dion hate sites could get and I stumbled upon yours. I have to say yours is definately most immature and UNBELIEVABLE! I mean, I dunno’ what goes through your head, but I think you must need some professional help. No one in their RIGHT mind would believe that. If Celine saw this, I am sure she’d laugh her ass off becuase it is really so ridiculous. I don’t know if you’re trying to hurt people, but I am definately certain that you do enjoy the attention that you get from people’s remarks to your site, in which case I am just fueling your pitiful fancies, but I must say what I feel because I feel it is quite amusing that someone must be as low as you are. [email protected]… she is foreign, very bright and very sweet… not at all unintelligent and I am sure she would never plant something to your computer. It was simply a mistake of what she typed otherwise I am sure that she would have typed something great to fuel your feeble remarks about Celine. I don’t have any idea of what you do for a living, how old you are, or what psychological problems you have and it is probably wrong of me to judge you so I will not, but anyhow, I just wanted to state, here, that Celine Dion IS a wonderful person and maybe it is her KIND personality that makes her seem so alien to you and your world… because we are kind and generous and family people, does this make us Celine fans alien too? Just something to think about. I hope you become more happy with yourself, your surroundings and your life.

PS: Any spelling errors here? 😛

Submitted by ([email protected]) on Sunday, December 2, 2001 at 07:55:11
how_found: on the toilet
name: donald duck
comment: your site is a big peace of shit. You can kiss my lovely ass and you can stuck your shitty ass site up your ass, bitch !!!!
Who knew Donald Duck had such a potty mouth? I truly love the Freudian ‘peace’ typo.