‘I want to see the baby’

subject = celine_alien2
name = Billy Duskin
email = [email protected]
comment = I’m so happy to ve able to look up Cleine Doin and find pictures of
her and the family I want to see the baby.

Don’t we all?

(I love that it didn’t seem to bother him that the pictures of Celine Dion showed her as an alien as long as he got to see the baby)

(Also, there’s a baby?!)

Tom Hanks Ovine Support Page

name = Taty
email = [email protected]
other = I have a question maybe you can help. It doesnt have todo directly w/
Tom hanks but something about one of his movies. In Philadelphia, in the scene
where he’s slow dancing w/ antonio banderas there is a woman singing, if you
can help me find the song she’s singing I would owe u big. please help me!
Thank you

Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 11:03:29
name = doesn’t matter
email = [email protected]
from = not telling
To: minke.com
Subject: ask dear dead diana
comment = I think that whoever is in charge of this site is a horrible person.
Why is it that you want to destroy the memory of one of the most wonderful
women to have ever lived? I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Feel free to use ‘example.com’ as a fake domain, that’s what it’s there for. And why does everyone think there’s a bunch of people working on this site? Surely the content would be updated more often if there was more than one person behind it.

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 19:21:05
name = D.T
email = [email protected]
To: minke.com
Subject: shania_alien
comment = you crazy im shania’s #1 fan and I now for a fake she a alien what
prof do you have

Where do I start picking on this? It’s not just that I’m a grammar snob or a spelling snob (not that you’d always know it), I’m just not sure what they’re saying.

Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 21:38:48 -0500
name = crazyy
email = [email protected]
To: minke.com
Subject: shania_alien
comment = Your crazy what the hell is all this…….alien shania twain and
celine …..ya right like anyone is going to buy this crap…..dream on mikey


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 12:54:02 -0500
From: “Riddle, Gene”
To: “minke.com”
Subject: Get a Grip!
You are really a dumb cunt! Get a life and suck a dick. That might just
loosen your uptight view a bit.


I just wish I knew what I said to set them off, so that I could keep doing it.

I missed out on months of hate mail because my ISP changed their form mail scripts and didn’t tell their users. Bummer!

From: “lowell cox”


Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 18:04:56

you r lieing that is not true you iditi