Subject: Re: (no subject)

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 21:48:13 EDT
From: [email protected]

OK listen here, Celine Dion is so beautiful, and sweet, and chariming, and
loving! Yoiu have no right to do that messed up Alein thing to her. My
thoughts on your web page are that you have obviously never heard Celine
sing, she has the most heartfelt, warm, magestic, amazing, incredible,
lovable voice ver. Now if you ever tried to sing, I would put my life on it
that ou are worse then my dogs bark. Celine is sooooo good, and she probably
beats out your favorite person by far, that you tried to make up some
pathedic, immature,messed up web page. You changing her skin was a little
odd, and I honselty think you need to go see a phyciatrsi or someone. If I
were ever to see you in person, you dont want to know what I would do to you,
but then again, I wouldn’t want to watse my time n something as pathedic as
you. Why don’t youjust get on with your miserablt pathedic, life and leave
the BEATIFUL CELINE DION out of it! Got that?

After I said this:

Re: (no subject)

Sun, 30 May 1999 12:24:301000
[email protected]

Thanks, but you shouldn’t troll like that.No real person would have so many
He/she/it said this in response (and no, I don’t know why I bothered replying):

Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 22:25:19 EDT
From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]

Excuse me, but when you have so many thoughts in your mind, you just right as
much as you can at one time. Now if you have any other
complaints………tell someonewho might give a darn (not allowed to cuss
or I would have, but a pathetic person like you would report me)