On 29 Mar 2003 20:16:28 -0000, Leeny ([email protected]) wrote about Shania being an alien: “Hi! You’re so lame! but I must admit, that’s funny! I feel really sorry that you wasted all your prescious time writing that article! Take care and do more of those! They’re funny! bye! salut!”

On 20 Mar 2003 23:36:52, meg ([email protected]) wrote “This is shit it is soo full of bullshit. Who the hell is gunna believe that Shania Twain is gunna be an alien. Maybe u are. u ugly idiot. Shania is way to gorgeous to be an alien. People arn’t that stupid u know. u must be […]

Little caring that I do have a job, on 20 Mar 2003 20:32:33 -0000 jessica ([email protected]) wrote “Yeah this is stupid bullshit and fake (obviousley) you need to get a job hunny”

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 12:39:27 -0600 subject = shania_alien comment = iI think you need to lay off the HARD DRUGS. If you keep talking bad about Shania Twain,then you’re gonna have some serious problems.I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 07:57:51 -0600 subject = ask dear dead diana name = anhahaha from = canada question = Dear Departed Di, this is crazy, i cant believe dead poeple can hack online sites omfg ( oh my fucking god ) this is crazy! btw are you virgin?