The holiday is over, baby. Rome was great, four days wasn’t enough time to see everything but at least I can always go back.
Modern Romans really do say ‘mamma mia’ a lot, and I was glad to see tourism can’t destroy some traditions – I was told off for ordering a coffee before dinner, and another waiter said, ‘of course the coffee is for after dessert, yes?’.
Comments are back, btw.

8 thoughts on “

  1. mia says:

    Whoops, now comments are properly back.

  2. ernestito says:

    now my life is complete. what happened?

  3. mez says:

    mine too…what a relief.

  4. mia says:

    I forgot to turn on ‘allow comments by default’. Turning them off was a bit of a hack, I had to fiddle things in a few places and forgot what I’d done. I hate comment spam, I shouldn’t have to turn them off at all.

  5. ernestito says:

    were you badly spammed suddenly, or did you turn it off cos you were going away ie couldn’t manage the comments everyday?

  6. mia says:

    I used to be badly spammed (200+ comments) once a week, usually on a Friday night.

  7. Dreeny says:

    Hi Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    Welcome back to mother Londonia land. I’m glad that comments are back so I can chat with Ernesto and Mez again. Don’t even do that again Mia!!!

  8. ernestito says:

    dreeny!!!!!!!! How are you? I must email you and share with you my dirty secrets (and show you pics of dirty laundry). Now I have comments on my blog too 🙂

Comments are closed.